As usual the
students will protest and burn their own buses. Here are some pictures
of the Al Azhar students protesting the food poisoning :

This is Egypt after two years under the Muslim Brotherhood or as one commenter said yesterday the "Muslim Bodohood". Obviously someone is making money from the food catering business. But they are not delivering what was agreed upon.
If you ask them they will probably say, 'You must be sabar brother, Islam requires that you show patience. Give the Bodohood a chance to prove themselves.'
I have a suggestion - ask the Bodohood to patiently eat the same food the students ate and then see what happens.
This is most
likely a case of corruption. Some crony got the food catering contract,
they are charging the university a high price and then supplying the
students low quality food. Muslim Brotherhood ke, Muslim Bodohood ke
semua sama saja. They are all corrupt to the core.
Here is another Al Azhar student who suffered poisoning at Al Azhar and has never reccovered:

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